PokerStars Online Gambling Bet on Return to US

PokerStars, Online Gambling Bet on Return to U.S. -". . . Along with Nevada, which approved online poker, and New Jersey and Delaware, where other casino gambling passed as well, four states have pending legislation. Despite objections from several camps about allowing more gambling into the home, most gambling officials and analysts say they believe the high-tech transition will only grow. . . About a dozen countries, including France, Spain and Italy, and many offshore jurisdictions, have set up systems for licensing online gambling. But most have not and some openly oppose Internet casinos. . . PokerStars, like other online firms, continues to draw Russian customers from other sites. Indeed, the company says the country is one of its largest markets, with 34,000 Russians enrolling in its annual Turbo championship this year. "We follow legal advice that offering our services doesn't violate Russian law," the company said. . . . The PokerStars conundrum only ups the ante, he says. "This whole question is, in effect, are we going to grant general amnesty," said Mr. Rose. "The trend is to forgive and forget.""

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