Online Gaming Practice

The Department of Justice has ruled that the Wire Act does not cover online gaming activities unrelated to a sporting event or contest. Courts have ruled that states have a sovereign right to control the online gaming conducted by players within their borders. Legal issues facing the industry will play out largely at the state level. (source infra)

Jeff Ifrah: Luck and Pluck Building an Online Gaming Practice | On Legal Marketing: ". . . .“States are now looking at online gaming as a revenue source, especially the ones that already have regulatory structures for physical gaming operations,” Ifrah reports. He cites New Jersey as a state with recently enacted laws that will allow the state budget to benefit from significant tax benefits from iGaming activity. Ifrah helps his clients find lobbyists in these states who can make the case that opening markets can offset the decline in other state revenues. Despite the resistance of bricks and mortar casinos who fear losing players to online gaming, Ifrah expects markets to steadily expand to include iGaming because consumers want to participate in this entertainment virtually, just as they have moved to consuming books, movies and television through online sources. . . ." (read more at link)

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